Miss South Carolina Gives Pro-Gun Answers to Anti-Gun Question in Miss America Pageant

During the Miss America pageant, Miss South Carolina Daja Dial was asked if she would support an assault weapons ban when it was her turn to answer questions during the September 13 Miss America pageant. Dial said she would not support such a measure, and explained that she believes a clearer focus on firearm education is of greater value than gun control.

The question about gun control came from Amy Purdy, who said, “America loves our Second Amendment, but gun violence continues to be a tragic problem. Do you support a ban on military-style assault weapons?”

Dail stated: “I don’t [support such a ban]…we need to increase education. We have to go back there. If we teach people the proper way to use guns, then we will reduce the risk of having gun-related accidents. It starts with education”.

Even before she could finish answering, Dial’s response received massive applause, demonstrating strong support for gun rights despite the establishment’s ongoing gun grabbing campaign.


While the question was crafted to make it seem that gun violence may be on the rise, actual firearm homicide rates are near historic lows, according to Pew Research Center statistics.

Despite not taking the crown Miss Carolina took the fans favorite.

Watch her response in this Video: